Autobiography of the late
Born in İzmir in 1925. He is the son of the retired Regiment Mutfi Colonel Hasan Fevzi AKINCI. Has taken his primary and high school education in Antalya. After completing the School of Higher Economics Trade and Commerce during 1942-1945 has entered the Turkish Military Academy in 1947 as a Lieutenant. At his own will, has retired from the army as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1969. Then started the business of trade in Antalya in 1970. Founded 2 companies in the field of international maritime transportation and tourism. Thus successfully contributed to the %5 economical income of Antalya from Turkish maritime trade to 80%. As a researcher-author has published numerous articles, columns drafts in newspapers and magazines in the fields of history, economy and social life. Has published 7 books on history, economy and social life. Known for his good will and personality, has contributed to the construction of the Akdeniz University Central Library consequently was named after himself by the University Senate.
Deceased on 10 September 2003.